E-Edition Variant 3

Hero, Markdown, Contents, Activity, and Metadata Blocks

Arthur DoyleAuthor

Manifold projects can be simple or complex. This variant is of the complex variety: one text in the Manifold Reader, with four additional content blocks in use. The Table of Contents block renders the documents contents as clickable links. The Metadata block provides readers with basic information about the publisher and project.

Other “E-Edition” projects in this collection provide alternate approaches using the same core material.

This is where image credits live.



  • Cover of The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

    The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

    The world’s first consulting detective and his companion investigate further crimes and mysteries, culminating in a life-or-death struggle with an evil nemesis.

    • This text has 6 annotations
    • This text has 1 highlight

Free-Text Block

This space can be used to provide a more robust description of the content, instructions on how to engage with the material, serve as a marketing tool. Here we have an embedded video that could be used as a book trailer. Podcasts and other media are likewise possible.

This is a “Markdown” block. Markdown is shorthand version of HTML and can be used to easily style

  • headings,
  • list,
  • links,
  • etc.

For more on Markdown, see this online guide.

Recent Activity

  • Text Added

    The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

  • Project Kickoff

    A Manifold: Edge project is born!
