Cultural Critique
Experiments, Interviews, and Book Reviews for Volume 112
Cultural Critique provides a forum for creative and provocative scholarship in the theoretical humanities and humanistic social sciences. Transnational in scope and transdisciplinary in orientation, the journal strives to spark and galvanize intellectual debates as well as to attract and foster critical investigations regarding any aspect of culture as it expresses itself in words, images, and sounds, across both time and space. The journal is especially keen to support scholarship that engages the ways in which cultural production, cultural practices, and cultural forms constitute and manifest the nexus between the aesthetic, the psychic, the economic, the political, and the ethical intended in their widest senses. While informed by the diverse traditions of historical materialism as well as by the numerous critiques of such traditions from various parts of the globe, the journal welcomes contributions based on a variety of theoretical-methodological paradigms.

Background photograph by Anderson Guerra from Pexels
Book Reviews
These are exclusive reviews only available online. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed gravida justo a varius laoreet. Aenean quis condimentum ex. Quisque in interdum mi, quis tincidunt urna.
An Unsavory SaintA Deidealized Genet and the Future of Queer Studies
If I were an abstract, this is where I would live, all cozy like. Fusce mattis nibh ut lectus mollis imperdiet. Integer faucibus arcu massa, et lobortis odio sollicitudin eu. In sit amet nulla non tortor bibendum ultrices. Fusce.
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