CENTRO Journal - Test, no. 3

Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies Volume 33 • Number 3 • Fall 2021

Efraín BarradasOtherAntonio Gil Rubio-CruzOtherEileen Segarra AlmésticaOtherLorraine J. GuthOtherCassandre SurinonOtherAna PuigOtherAmy NitzaOtherBreanne GeorgianaOtherI. Magaly FreytesOtherLorna L. PérezOtherKrista L. CortesOtherKeishla Rivera-LopezOtherElizabeth ArandaOtherMiranda MartinezOtherAlberto Hernández BanuchiOtherMichael StaudenmaierOther

The CENTRO Journal is the leading peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the field of Puerto Rican Studies. The journal—now in its 28th year of publication—publishes the latest work from scholars in a wide range of academic traditions, in order to enhance and advance the field of Puerto Rican Studies.


Cuentos para fomentar el turismo de Emilio S. Belaval: el caso de una obra maestra incompleta- Efraín Barradas

Income Inequality and Polarization amidst Economic Crisis and Class Conflict - Eileen Segarra Alméstica and Antonio Gil de Rubio-Cruz

Perceived Impact of Hurricane Maria on Educators and Students in Puerto Rico - Lorraine J. Guth, Cassandre Surinon, Ana Puig, Amy Nitza, Breanne Georgiana and I. Magaly Freytes

The Impossible Dream: The Great Gatsby, Bodega Dreams and the Colonial Difference - Lorna L. Pérez

Brujería Lite: Centering Blackness-as-Practice in Everyday AfroPuerto Rican Spiritualities - Krista L. Cortes

Memory and Revisionist Work in Daughters of the Stone: An Interview with Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa- Keishla Rivera-Lopez

Book Reviews

Sunbelt Diaspora: Race, Class, and Latino Politics in Puerto Rican Orlando by Patricia Silver - (Reviewed by Elizabeth Aranda)

Loisaida as Urban Laboratory: Puerto Rican Community Activism in New York by Timo Schrader - (Reviewed by Miranda Martinez)

Manuel G. Tavárez. Danzas para piano, vol.1 - (Reviewed by Alberto Hernández Banuchi)

The Young Lords: A Radical History by Johanna Fernández - (Reviewed by Michael Staudenmaier)



  • Cuentos para fomentar el turismo de Emilio S. Belaval: El caso de una obra maestra incompleta

    Efraín Barradas (barradas@ufl.edu) es profesor emérito de la Universidad de la Florida y autor de varios libros sobre literatura y cultura caribeñas. Aunque ha prestado especial atención a las letras puertorriqueñas, sus trabajos también estu-dian temas tan diversos como las artes plásticas y los libros de cocina latinoameri-canos. Sus más recientes libros son Para devorarte otra vez: nuevos acercamientos a la obra de Luis Rafael Sánchez (Ediciones Cielonaranja, 2017), Inventario con retrato de familia(Ediciones Callejón, 2018) y Desde la otra orilla: ensayos, notas y prólogos dominicanos(Ediciones Cielonaranja, 2021). Pronto aparecerá una colección de ensayos suyos titulada Visa para un texto: crónicas y memorias.

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  • Memory and Revisionist Work in Daughters of the Stone: An Interview with Dahlma Llanos-Figueroa

    Keishla Rivera-Lopez (keishla.rivera-lopez@millersville.edu) is a writer, poet, and scholar. She received a PhD in American Studies at the Graduate School-Newark at Rutgers University where she was awarded the 2019-2020 Dean’s Dissertation Fellowship. She was born and raised in Newark, NJ to Puerto Rican migrants and reflects on what it means to be a child of diaspora in her scholarship and writ-ing. Currently, she is an Assistant Professor of English and Latinx Literatures and Cultures at Millersville University.

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  • container title
    CENTRO Journal
  • isbn
  • issn
  • issue
  • publisher
    Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños, Hunter College, CUNY
  • publisher place
    New York, NY
  • rights
    2021 Centro de Estudios Puertorriqueños
  • volume